Smart Ports

Ports handle hundreds of millions of tons of goods each year and see hundreds of container ships passing through. They are thus faced with challenges related to both the security of goods and environmental pollution.

Uavia for Smart Ports enables rapid and automated coverage of an open area spanning several hundred hectares, remotely, from the Harbor Master’s Office.

Pack smart ports (1)


Main use cases

Energy Data Collection Expert

Security patrols and reconnaissance

Conduct periodically pre-programmed patrols to enhance surveillance, especially in hard-to-reach areas, fences, or docks. Connect your video surveillance and intrusion detection systems to trigger autonomous verification rounds 24/7.

Support for crisis management

Support the intervention teams on the ground and in the crisis control room by sharing live drone footage, especially during incidents such as fires occurring within your perimeter, whether it be in a storage area, on the deck of a ship, or involving an electric vehicle. Monitor the tactical situation until the crisis management is resolved in coordination with Public Safety.


Vehicle counting

Facilitate the process of counting vehicles stored on the site. Reduce reliance on manual methods by providing a faster and more accurate solution.

Monitoring and tracking atmospheric emissions

Uavia for Smart Ports enables you to integrate regular emissions monitoring into your control and mitigation strategy for environmental impact: monitor types of gases and their concentration, track changes over time, and anticipate environmental regulatory developments.


Assistance for mooring operations

Secure mooring operations by providing pilots and the harbormaster with real-time aerial monitoring. Uavia for Smart Ports ensures the archiving of supervised maneuvering videos.

Infrastructure maintenance

Your staff regularly conduct visual inspections of your assets (docks, buildings, lifting equipment) to plan necessary maintenance without disrupting port operations.

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Benefit from a collaborative, secure, and unified tool

In case of a crisis, collaborate with all stakeholders by sharing the live video feed for facilitated decision-making.

Your data is instantly accessible with the same experience for all your sites and flight zones, allowing you to manage access permissions for yourself and your partners.

Smart Ports Collaboration

Use cases


Assistance to a commercial port in the south of France for the following uses:

Security patrols: Enhance the services provided by security agents by conducting regular patrols. These patrols cover areas not monitored by surveillance cameras.

Qualification and management of fires: Reacting proactively to fire outbreaks, especially in storage areas, electric vehicle parks, or ships’ decks at the quay. The use of aerial support enables better qualification of the fire source, instant sharing of live images, and continuous supervision of the tactical situation throughout the crisis management.

Counting unregistered vehicles: Enable an accurate inventory of the number of vehicles parked in the parking lot.

Monitoring atmospheric emissions from ships at berth with long-term tracking.